LLT have marked International Day of the Older Person on 1st October 2021 with the launch of 7 days of Moving Prompts …. a small, simple but potentially impactful tool to encourage and prompt more frequent movement across the day. #7days #MMYM

We know that those that move the least have the most to gain.
We know that long periods of sitting for frailer older people leads to further deconditioning and we also know that frequent movement, breaking up sitting time and any amount of light activity, can prevent the ‘tipping points’ potentially leading to increased care needs. Find out more below, or visit our Shop.

Your 7 days of Moving Prompts tool could be used in a variety of ways:
⁃ to support individuals who are independently living in their own homes where the tool offers a visible nudge/prompt for them to do some additional moves across their day.
- There is a personal progress tracker sheet that accompanies the free standing, ring bound flip chart, this is for those that are motivated by tracking their progress.

⁃ to support residents and care staff. We are most hopeful that the tool will have the biggest impact in care settings where ‘7 Days’ offers a win-win start point for staff and workforce teams, giving them the confidence to get behind movement prompts, together using the consistent words and familiar movements from daily life.

⁃ The 7 days prompts would relate to goals stated in almost any care plan and this is why we say, it’s a win-win. We also know from research and implementation of extra movement in these settings, this can make a huge difference to peoples quality of life and feelings of control and independence.

7 days is backed up by sound research and guidance +++ and is based on the premise that residents and patients are encouraged to practice MOVING MORE FREQUENTLY, doing more of what they can already do. This should offer care managers and teams confidence and ‘permission’ to have conversations about moving more. We may not all want to exercise, but we ALL need to move. Moving prompts ARE NOT structured exercise and it’s vital that this message is not mixed or morphed.

7 days is simply the most crucial start point for those who are spending long hours not moving.
We hope you feel it’s a win-win to find a place for 7 days of Moving Prompts in your organisation.
To further support teams, purchasing one or more of the 7 days tools also gives access to short demonstration videos for each of the moves.
If you would like to speak to us about how to introduce the ‘7 Days of Moving Prompts’ tool into your workplace, we would love to hear from you email us at info@laterlifetraining.co.uk

Visit our Shop now. If you are from an organisation that would like to bulk buy and/or put your logo on the tool, contact us at info@laterlifetraining.co.uk