Positive EfS Service Evaluation – Wiltshire

Wiltshire’s Exercise after Stroke (EAS) Programme is funded by Public Health and was launched in September 2012. There are currently 9 starter classes and 4 maintenance groups across Wiltshire (May 2013). Over the past 6 months the existing Marlborough class has been transitioned into the new ‘starter’ format and 3 new locations for additional classes…

Parkinson’s Disease and Exercise Resources

  The following resources are available on the Parkinson’s Disease Society Website Drug treatments for Parkinson’s booklet This booklet is for people with Parkinson’s and their families. It gives information about the drugs most commonly used to help manage the condition. It starts with some practical points about taking Parkinson’s drugs and moves on to…

CDC Compendium of Effective Falls Interventions

The CDC (USA) have produced a compendium of effective falls interventions that is freely downloadable. This compendium covers exercise based interventions, home modification interventions and multifaceted interventions and collated information from the original research authors. This resource is a MUST HAVE for all those working in falls prevention services as it gives extremely useful information…

EfS endorsed by the UKFST

LLT have received endorsement for the Exercise and Fitness Training after Stroke course from the UK Forum for Stroke Training. We can now use the UKFST Quality Mark on our documentation and Certificates. The quality mark has a unique code for the EfS course – QM0045. To find out more about the standards required by…