Specialist exercise training for people working with older populations
Providing specialist, evidence based, effective exercise training for health and exercise professionals working with older people and frailer older people.
Stathi et al. published in 2007, in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, a qualitative review of older peoples views of classes delivered in their nursing homes by PSIs. Click here to view the paper.
Guidelines for Exercise Programming for the Frail Elderly have been published by the Better Ageing Collaborative based on the results of the European Commission Framework V Better Ageing Project. The project used the FaME programme as the basis of the exercise intervention and the original protocol for the FaME exercise intervention is cited. You can…
A systematic review of the research trials evaluating the effect of exercise on reducing falls in older people. Published in 2000, this paper can be viewed here.
Older people’s views of advice about falls prevention: a qualitative study by Prof Lucy Yardley et al and published in 2006 in Health Education Research.
Evidence based recommendations for promoting the engagement of older people in preventative healthcare. These recommendations were put together by members of ProFaNE. The full paper is available from BMJ Quality and Safety in Healthcare. L Yardley, N Beyer, K Hauer, K McKee, C Ballinger, C Todd. Qual Saf Health Care 2007;16:230-234 1. Raise awareness in…
Research from Help the Aged (now AgeUK) and the University’s of Southampton & Manchester, examines the attitudes and feelings of older people towards falls prevention services and resources. It explores different approaches and ways of communicating falls prevention messages to older people, as well as ways of encouraging older people to take up falls prevention…
This abstract, presented at the 2004 6th World Congress on Aging and Physical Activity, Canada, describes the preliminary analysis of the falls data in the randomised controlled trial of FaME, delivered by PSI’s. To search for the abstract, scroll to Friday afternoon’s Invited Symposia and then down to S15. Physical Activity Rehabilitation After Falls, alternatively…