Exercise to Improve Balance – Cochrane Review updated

Dawn Skelton was involved in a lengthy new Cochrane review update on Exercise to Improve Balance in older people last year. The new update includes 94 research trials and gives useful information for practitioners out there wanting to concentrate on balance improvements (as opposed to falls reduction) in older people. You can read the full…

Exercise Referral Systems: A National Quality Assurance Framework, DoH (2001)

The National Quality Assurance Framework provides guidelines for exercise referral systems, with the aim of improving standards among existing exercise referral schemes, and helping the development of new ones. The Framework focuses primarily on the most common model of exercise referral system, where the GP or practice nurse refers patients to facilitates such as leisure…

Don’t mention the F Word!

Research from Help the Aged (now AgeUK) and the University’s of Southampton & Manchester, examines the attitudes and feelings of older people towards falls prevention services and resources. It explores different approaches and ways of communicating falls prevention messages to older people, as well as ways of encouraging older people to take up falls prevention…