FFMOT Resources to run an event

We hope you come on one of our training events to support your delivery of the Functional Fitness MOT with older people as the tests themselves and the resources are only as good as the conversation you have with people afterwards 🙂 However, we have produced a series of supporting resources for any events you…

People living with dementia and physical activity “Having a conversation”

  This week is Dementia Awareness Week. Working with local Alzheimer Society Service User Review Panels (SURPs) in England, Bob Laventure had a series of informal conversations with people living with dementia about taking part in physical activity. They talked about their views, interests and experiences and the challenges they face in taking up and/or continuing a range…

Functional Fitness MOT training – Impact Assessment 2014

The BHF National Centre for Physical Activity and Health have published their first year impact assessment on the Functional Fitness MOT training run in conjunction with Later Life Training and Glasgow Caledonian University. Download it now – Functional Fitness MOT impact assessment_GCU_LLT_BHFNCPAH_2014. The headlines are: The Functional Fitness MOT training programme has to-date reached over…

New older adults physical activity evidence briefing launched

The British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health have launched a freely downloadable physical activity evidence briefing. This briefing, written by our very own Bob Laventure, highlights useful information regarding the new physical activity guidelines for older people launched by the four nationals Chief Medical Officers last year. This evidence briefing is…

Translating the evidence – What works for Physical Activity – Conference 17 Nov 2011

As you may know the British Heart Foundation National Centre (BHFNC) will hold its 11th annual conference on Thursday 17th November 2011. Translating the evidence: What works for physical activity? will bring together the latest evidence on the most effective approaches to promoting physical activity across the life course and explore how to use this…