Publication – Feasibility of running the FFMOT in Physiotherapy Outpatient settings (Sept 2018)

Working with colleagues in NHS Lothian and Glasgow Caledonian University, LLT looked at the feasibility of delivering the FFMOT to change activity behaviour in older patients attending musculoskeletal outpatient clinics. This mixed-method study aimed to understand the views and perceptions of both patients and staff. Most participants felt they had learned about their abilities and…

Evaluation of Care to Move within Christies Care

We have to thank Christies Care for capturing such wonderful positive improvements in function of the clients they support with 24 hour care at home. You can read their full evaluation here. “Ever since I’ve been trialling ‘Care to Move’ with Doris, she’s been doing a lot more and there were lots of things I hadn’t…


We are pleased to announce that the colleagues in Greece have translated some of our freely available resources for practitioners and older people. The Geriatric section of Panhellenic Physiotherapist’s Association and Prof Vasiliki Sakellari have translated the following:   Physical Activity Guidelines for Health of Older People (CMO Physical Activity Guidelines for Older People) Functional…