Publication – Feasibility of running the FFMOT in Physiotherapy Outpatient settings (Sept 2018)

Working with colleagues in NHS Lothian and Glasgow Caledonian University, LLT looked at the feasibility of delivering the FFMOT to change activity behaviour in older patients attending musculoskeletal outpatient clinics. This mixed-method study aimed to understand the views and perceptions of both patients and staff. Most participants felt they had learned about their abilities and…

PSI sessions show significant social return on investment

Public Health England, in Jan 2017, published their Falls and Fractures Consensus Statement and confirmed that FaME sessions delivered by PSIs were cost-effective (PHE 2017). More recently, Gateshead Older People’s Assembly had independent research done on their return on investment (GOPA, 2017). “Gateshead Older People’s Assembly is a unique community-based organisation working with and for…

COM-B Behaviour Change Model (Mitchie et al. 2011+)

The COM-B behaviour change model is now used extensively in behaviour change interventions in the scientific literature. COM-B (‘capability’, ‘opportunity’, ‘motivation’ and ‘behaviour’) model. This model recognises that behaviour is part of an interacting system involving all these components. Interventions need to change one or more of them in such a way as to put the…

Falls and Fractures Consensus Statement (PHE) and Resource Pack for Commissioners

In January 2017, the member organisations of the National Falls Prevention Coordination Group (NFPCG), hosted by Public Health England, published the ‘Falls and fracture consensus statement: supporting commissioning for prevention’. This was aimed at local commissioners and strategic leads with a remit for falls and bone health and detailed key interventions, approaches to commissioning and…