PSI sessions significantly increase habitual physical activity as well as reducing falls (ProAct65+)

New research published this week shows that FaME sessions delivered by PSIs to the general older population through primary care (not high risk fallers) for 6 months, significantly increased habitual physical activity (self reported moderate physical activity) by 15 minutes a day even a year after the intervention finishes. These sessions also significantly reduced the…

Functional Fitness MOT training – Impact Assessment 2014

The BHF National Centre for Physical Activity and Health have published their first year impact assessment on the Functional Fitness MOT training run in conjunction with Later Life Training and Glasgow Caledonian University. Download it now – Functional Fitness MOT impact assessment_GCU_LLT_BHFNCPAH_2014. The headlines are: The Functional Fitness MOT training programme has to-date reached over…

EfS Audit – County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust – Great results!

The Health Improvement Service at County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust have just published their evaluation of the Exercise after Stroke Service delivered in a community venue during 2012-1013. The primary aim of the 12 week programme was to provide safe, effective, evidence based physical activity sessions to ambulatory stroke survivors who had completed…

Age UK publish EXPERT SERIES on Falls Prevention – for commissioners and policy makers

Document Title: Falls Prevention Exercise – following the evidence Document Purpose: To explain the research base for falls prevention exercise to give a better understanding of the programmes that have been shown to be effective in preventing falls. Target Audience: Clinical Commissioning Groups, Public Health professionals, commissioners of care services, health and care service providers,…

International Curriculum Guidelines for Preparing Physical Activity Instructors of Older Adults-2004

By the International Coalition for Aging and Physical Activity in collaboration with the Aging and Life Course, World Health Organization EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Nancy A. Ecclestone, Canada C. Jessie Jones, United States The recognized value of physical activity in preserving functional capacity and reducing physical frailty in later years, combined with the support of the medical…

Parkinson’s Disease and Exercise Resources

  The following resources are available on the Parkinson’s Disease Society Website Drug treatments for Parkinson’s booklet This booklet is for people with Parkinson’s and their families. It gives information about the drugs most commonly used to help manage the condition. It starts with some practical points about taking Parkinson’s drugs and moves on to…