New older adults physical activity evidence briefing launched

The British Heart Foundation National Centre for Physical Activity and Health have launched a freely downloadable physical activity evidence briefing. This briefing, written by our very own Bob Laventure, highlights useful information regarding the new physical activity guidelines for older people launched by the four nationals Chief Medical Officers last year. This evidence briefing is…

RCP Report 2012 – NHS exercise programmes a success with older people but not always evidence-based

Last week the Royal College of Physicians published a new audit on exercise provision in falls services across the UK. Some of the findings were, unfortunately, not unexpected! This survey was commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) and carried out by the Royal College of Physicians’ Clinical Effectiveness and Evaluation Unit (CEEU). It…

Training of health professionals improves implementation of falls prevention strategies

A systematic review of the evidence behind implementation studies on falls prevention, by Victoria Goodwin (one of our PSI tutors) and colleagues, has shown that Interventions that involved the active training of healthcare professionals improved implementation. The evidence around changing the way people who fall are managed within primary care practices, and, layperson, peer or…

Exercise to Improve Balance – Cochrane Review updated

Dawn Skelton was involved in a lengthy new Cochrane review update on Exercise to Improve Balance in older people last year. The new update includes 94 research trials and gives useful information for practitioners out there wanting to concentrate on balance improvements (as opposed to falls reduction) in older people. You can read the full…

Improving stroke care in the community – KT Equal Conference – Nov 23rd 2011 Bath

Despite strong evidence that organised stroke care improves outcomes (Stroke Trialist Collaboration, 2003), organisational issues and resource limitation meant that many patients still do not receive adequate specialist community stroke rehabilitation. Stroke Networks are tasked with working with local agencies to ensure that specialist care is available for all appropriate patients (National Audit Office, Improving…