NICE have issued new care standards for mental wellbeing of older people in care homes that includes ACTIVITY 🙂 2014.
The quality standard for mental wellbeing of older people in care homes is made up of 6 statements that describe high-quality care for older people (aged 65 and older) in care homes. These statements set out the quality of care you should receive.
1. Older people in care homes have opportunities during their day to take part in activities of their choice that help them stay well and feel satisfied with life. Their families, friends and carers have opportunities to be involved in activities with them when the older person wishes.
2. Older people in care homes are given support and opportunities to express themselves as individuals and maintain and develop their sense of who they are, for example, this can include helping people to maintain their relationships with family, friends and carers.
3 Older people in care homes are cared for by staff who recognise the symptoms and signs of mental health conditions (such as depression and anxiety) and record them in their care plan.
4. Older people in care homes are cared for by staff who recognise needs that occur because of sight or hearing problems and record these as part of their care plan.
5. Older people in care homes are cared for by staff who recognise the symptoms and signs of physical problems (such as pain, dizziness, problems with walking, constipation and continence problems) and record them in their care plan.
6. Older people in care homes can see their GP and use hospital services when they need them.