Specialist exercise training for people working with older populations
Providing specialist, evidence based, effective exercise training for health and exercise professionals working with older people and frailer older people.
This paper, published in 2004, details the development and validation of the FRAT – falls risk tool for use by GPs with older people living in the community. FRAT to download.
Stathi et al. published in 2007, in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, a qualitative review of older peoples views of classes delivered in their nursing homes by PSIs. Click here to view the paper.
Geriatric medicine is the branch of general medicine concerned with the health care of older people. The term geriatrics comes from the Greek geron meaning ‘old man’ and iatros meaning ‘healer’. Older people are the main users of health and social care services and their high morbidity rates, different patterns of disease presentation, slower response…
We believe that age needs respect. It needs kindness. Sometimes it needs help. Because there is strength in numbers, Age Concern and Help the Aged have joined forces to become Age UK – so that we can be here for everyone in later life. Click here to visit the Age UK site.
Guidelines for Exercise Programming for the Frail Elderly have been published by the Better Ageing Collaborative based on the results of the European Commission Framework V Better Ageing Project. The project used the FaME programme as the basis of the exercise intervention and the original protocol for the FaME exercise intervention is cited. You can…
This article, in Nursing Older People, describes the falls services in Weymouth and Portland and the use of CBE leaders within that service. To view the article, click here.