Specialist exercise training for people working with older populations
Providing specialist, evidence based, effective exercise training for health and exercise professionals working with older people and frailer older people.
A systematic review of the research trials evaluating the effect of exercise on reducing falls in older people. Published in 2000, this paper can be viewed here.
Robertson et al. published a review of the economic evaluations of their RCT’s with the Otago Exercise Programme, in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health. Click here to download.
Dawn Skelton, in 1996, published a paper in Physiotherapy describing a 12 week controlled trial of seated strength, flexibility and stamina training with women aged 75 and over with multiple conditions and co-morbidities. The results were astounding. The programme, designed with Susie Dinan, forms the main exercises in the LLT Chair Based Exercise Leaders course.…
Dawn Skelton, in 1995, published (in Journal of the American Geriatrics Society) the results of a 12 week randomised controlled trial of seated strength training in women aged 75 and over. The effect was a rejuventation of some 20 years of lost strength just by taking part in strengthening exercises with therabands three times a…
This document has the main published references with the evidence base behind improvements in function and quality of life following regular chair based exercise in frailer older people. Click here to download.
These guidelines have been drafted to assist the work of those in the position to promote physical activity and well being with all older people. They do not provide exercise recommendations relating to specific diseases and conditions associated with ageing or on exercise prescriptions for individuals. Sources of such recommendations are included in the appendices…
The National Quality Assurance Framework provides guidelines for exercise referral systems, with the aim of improving standards among existing exercise referral schemes, and helping the development of new ones. The Framework focuses primarily on the most common model of exercise referral system, where the GP or practice nurse refers patients to facilitates such as leisure…
In 2001, the Department of Health published its “National Service Framework for Older People”. With 8 standards of care for older people, 5 included exercise as a major determinant of health or rehabilitation. The original NSFOP executive summary, full document, progress report in 2003 and the “New Ambition for Old Age” continuation report can all…