Dawn, with a colleague Sebastien Chastin, at Glasgow Caledonian University, have submitted a letter to the British Medical Journal in response to an article. We are reminding people that the new physical activity guidelines for older people include reducing the amount of time they spend sitting (sedentary). Help us get this letter published in the BMJ by clicking on this link, reading the brief letter, and hopefully click LIKE next to the article π
We also want you to contribute to the sedentary behaviour debate. There is a blog site we would like you to visit. The purpose is to develop a classification system and nomenclature as universal as possible to allow research across the life span, be as inclusive as possible and that is meaningful to and understood by all field of research and the general public.
Therefore we seek you opinion in identifying domains and a structure for the classification that will allows refinement to increase specificity for special populations and settings. We have set up a website to facilitate this process online. We would be most grateful if you could spare a few moments to register with βSIT: Sedentary behaviour International Taxonomyβ to take part in this consensus. This consensus survey follows a Delphi protocol (all the details are on the website) and runs concurrently to the development of a folksonomy (layman classification) of sedentary behaviour.
We are collecting opinion from all people involved in sedentary behaviour research from measurement scientist to those involved in interventions. So please pass this email onto colleagues who might be interested or whose opinion needs to be heard.
Could you also forward the link to the folksonomy to as many people as possible – http://tinyurl.com/cba3yt8
Many thanks