Guidelines on Physical Activity and Older People – BHFNCPAH

These guidelines have been drafted to assist the work of those in the position to promote physical activity and well being with all older people. They do not provide exercise recommendations relating to specific diseases and conditions associated with ageing or on exercise prescriptions for individuals. Sources of such recommendations are included in the appendices…

Exercise Referral Systems: A National Quality Assurance Framework, DoH (2001)

The National Quality Assurance Framework provides guidelines for exercise referral systems, with the aim of improving standards among existing exercise referral schemes, and helping the development of new ones. The Framework focuses primarily on the most common model of exercise referral system, where the GP or practice nurse refers patients to facilitates such as leisure…

Understanding participation among recently retired people (Sport England 2009)

Sport England commissioned research in 2009.
The aim of this research was to significantly improve understanding of the determinants of participation in sport and physical activity, in order to better design interventions that will engage people in lifelong involvement in sport and physical activity.

Download the report here.