Cochrane Review – Falls in Care Homes and Hospitals

Interventions for preventing falls in older people in nursing care facilities and hospitals (Review) Cameron ID, Gillespie LD, Robertson MC, Murray GR, Hill KD, Cumming RG, Kerse N. Interventions for preventing falls in older people in care facilities and hospitals. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 12. Art. No.: CD005465. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005465.pub3. Click here…


LiFE – Lifestyle-integrated Functional Exercise Reducing falls and improving function

For those of you working with older people that do not want to join a group, then LiFE is for you!. Published by Lindy Clemson and colleagues, this programme combines strength and balance exercises into everyday life and attempts lifestyle change techniques. The manuals, for the older person, come in three progressions in a line…


NICE quality standard for mental wellbeing of older people in care homes

NICE have issued new care standards for mental wellbeing of older people in care homes that includes ACTIVITY 🙂 2014. The quality standard for mental wellbeing of older people in care homes is made up of 6 statements that describe high-quality care for older people (aged 65 and older) in care homes. These statements set…


NICE issue new guidance on individual behaviour change

This guidance makes recommendations on individual-level behaviour change interventions aimed at changing the behaviours that can damage people’s health. It includes a range of approaches for people aged 16 and over, from single interventions delivered as the opportunity arises to planned, high intensity interventions that may take place over a number of sessions. The guidance…


EfS Audit – County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust – Great results!

The Health Improvement Service at County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust have just published their evaluation of the Exercise after Stroke Service delivered in a community venue during 2012-1013. The primary aim of the 12 week programme was to provide safe, effective, evidence based physical activity sessions to ambulatory stroke survivors who had completed…
